Yoga with resistance bands? This sounds unusual, but it is a brand new experience that you can have with FLEXVIT. Experience a new dimension of functional training in combination with your yoga practice. Through functional yoga with FLEXVIT you can not only improve your flexibility, but also increase your strength and balance.
With the FLEXVIT Yogaband you can perform your yoga poses deeper and venture into new positions. This makes yoga training with FLEXVIT more effective and also more varied and exciting. Our yoga band can make things easier, especially when turning and opening the hips, but also when bending forward or doing balance exercises. And the noticeable counter pressure from the band allows you to better understand which muscle groups are being used.

Yoga is sport
Functional Training meets Yoga
As a trainer or coach, would you like to challenge your clients in a new way and show them new possibilities for their yoga practice? The Yogaband is perfect for making it easier for sporty people to practice yoga and to show them that yoga can be not only meditative, but also a sporting challenge for the body.
Functional yoga
Experience a new dimension of yoga with FLEXVIT
With the FLEXVIT Yogaband you can experience a new dimension of yoga and learn to understand your body better. The Yogaband helps you hold your asanas longer and improve your form, making your practice more effective. The FLEXVIT Yogaband is also ideal for those who have difficulty performing certain poses due to injuries or other limitations.

Wash away the boundaries
All FLEXVIT bands can be washed in the washing machine at up to 60° Celsius.

Reach the next level
FLEXVIT bands are used and valued in training by numerous successful professional teams and top athletes.

Maximize efficiency
FLEXVIT bands enable effective and time-saving training to improve performance in a short time.

Train anywhere
FLEXVIT bands fit in every pocket and can be taken anywhere - for training anywhere.
The perfect band for your yoga
Our band for your perfect yoga flow

Yogaband (PATband soft by FLEXVIT)

Immerse yourself in the world of functional yoga
At first it took some getting used to using an additional tool in my yoga practice - but now I'm getting along so well with the band that I'm even coming up with my own ideas for using it in yoga.
I actually only got the yoga band as a stretching aid to improve my splits, but now I also use it for my fitness training at home.
This is how you use our Yogaband
Reach the next level with the FLEXVIT Yogaband

Fitness bands for yogis
Discover a new yoga practice and get to know the benefits
✔ Focus and mindfulness through the targeted use of resistance bands in yoga practice
✔ Help improve flexibility and stretching ability for deeper and more effective asanas
✔ Increase stability and balance in yoga poses for better body control
✔ Activation and strengthening of the muscles for more powerful and expressive execution of the asanas
✔ Improve body awareness and movement control through targeted resistance exercises
✔ Increase range of motion and freedom of movement for more fluid and intense yoga sequences

Find exercises now
Start training immediately with the FLEXVIT app
With our free app you get over 400 exercises with FLEXVIT bands. Ready-made workouts are regularly available to you for immediate training. You can also create your own workouts and exercises and share them with your community. With the training diary you can make progress visible. Tips, news and background information make the app a daily companion.