
Optimal exercises for the back and lumbar vertebrae

What can I do about back and lumbar pain? Here we give you helpful exercises with our bands to prevent discomfort and reduce pain.

Pain in the back and lumbar vertebrae – the cause of major problems in society

Back and lumbar problems are a common problem today. Almost one in three people in Germany complains about back problems over time. Too long in front of the computer or sitting in one position without moving is bad for your back. Back and lumbar problems are responsible for a quarter of all occupational disabilities.

Consequences of untreated lumbar spine and back problems

Strictly speaking, it is not the lumbar spine (lumbar spine) itself that hurts, but the area around it, which is why people often talk about back pain. As a result of untreated back problems, muscles and fascia can shorten, which in the long term often results in the intervertebral discs being damaged. If you have lumbar spine or back problems, adopting a protective posture is often a (subconscious) measure to relieve existing pain. This seems to bring about improvement in the short term, but in the long term it can cause even more damage to the back.

Solutions to lumbar spine and back problems

Some therapies include physical or back exercises, swimming or jogging. However, many do not have the time and patience for these sports and are instead looking for a few effective exercises that only take a few minutes a day and can be done whenever needed. Exercises with resistance bands are a practical solution to effectively reduce back and lumbar pain with little effort. stretching back fitness band

Relieve problems with FLEXVIT bands

There are numerous training exercises with fitness bands that can help relieve pain and get rid of chronic complaints. In addition to mobilizing areas of the body that are not moved enough and strengthening the back muscles, stretching exercises are the perfect complement to effective fitness training. While passive applications such as massages are often the method of choice in physiotherapy or rehabilitation applications (which can also relieve pain in the short term), active stretching - a so-called muscle length training - is more promising.

Benefits of resistance bands

Elastic fitness bands are very handy, compact and flexible. Unlike other training devices, FLEXVIT bands can be taken anywhere - for example to the office or on vacation - and the exercises can be started without much effort and without additional equipment. If your back hurts, you can use the FLEXVIT Chain to quickly complete an exercise between the computer and the coffee machine. This makes it possible to carry out pain-relieving exercises regardless of time and place.

The principle of biokinematics

Back pain does not always have its cause where the pain is felt - on the contrary: the cause of the problem often lies somewhere else entirely. In people who sit a lot, the abdominal muscles and hip flexors are usually severely shortened. Only then do the muscles and fascia on the back become so tense that pain is the result. In order to get rid of this, it can often be helpful to stretch the muscles on the front or bring them back to length. Following the principle of functional training, we want to think across several muscles and joints instead of targeting individual muscle groups.

By actively stretching the various muscle-fascia chains that run through the human body (and thus stabilize and connect), tension can be relieved and shortened muscles can be made (back) long.

Exercises with the Flexvit bands

We developed the FLEXVIT Chain especially for the muscle length training described above. It fits in every trouser pocket and, thanks to the sewn-in loops, allows for quick adjustment to the individually required pulling force in order to carry out the stretching intensively and actively. At the same time, you can easily adapt to your own progress.

Stretching the chest-shoulder girdle

This stretching exercise opens the chest-shoulder girdle, which is usually very shortened due to the many hours we spend sitting (e.g. in front of the computer) - often with our shoulders rounded forward. Do you sit a lot during the day or even almost the whole day? Then this is one of the exercises you should definitely do:

1. Start with a hip-width stance, grab our FLEXVIT Chain and grab the outermost loop on one side. Bring your arms back and keep them at head height. Be sure to grip the band with your middle phalanx so you can bend your wrist and straighten your arms (you want to grip so that it feels good to you and you feel a firm stretch - tighten your grip a loop if necessary that shouldn't be the case yet). Bring your shoulder blades back, press your toes into the floor, and lift your chest to feel the stretch in your chest-shoulder girdle. Stretching-chest-shoulder-belt 2) Now slowly move one arm up and the other down to increase the stretch on one side. FLEXVIT-stretching-chest 3) Continue moving your arms until your upper arm is almost above your head. Remember to bring your shoulders back and down (away from your ears), push your chest out, and steadily press your feet into the floor. Hold the stretch for a few seconds or 3 to 4 breaths. You can increase the stretch at any time by pulling the band down and back with your bottom arm. FLEXVIT band stretching 4) Return to the starting position with your arms stretched at head height and repeat the stretching movement on the other side or with the other arm upwards. chest stretching resistance bands

Stretching of the ventral (anterior) chain

With this exercise you stretch the anterior chain. For many, this movement is very unusual because it is practically never done. Approach this exercise carefully and work your way forward slowly, little by little.

1) As in the previous exercise, start with your arms stretched at the height of the back of your head, but in a stance slightly wider than hip-width.

2) As in the previous exercise, you should lift your chest, keep your shoulders down and press your feet into the floor. Now push your hips forward and slowly go into a backbend. Put your chin on your chest and try to keep your glutes relaxed. Press your feet into the floor, your hands against the band, and push your hips further forward and your upper body back. Stretching front chain fitness bands

The exercise should be strenuous, but don't overdo it! It's ok if your backbend doesn't look as elegant as our very flexible model 🙂

3) Hold the position under tension for a few seconds or 3 to 4 breaths and then return to the starting position. Perform a countermovement by bending forward with your legs straight.

Stretching the spiral line

With this exercise you stretch the myofascial spiral lines, which you can imagine running diagonally through your body (e.g. from the tip of your left foot to the right hand) and “crossing” each other at the hip.

1) As in the previous exercise, start with your arms stretched at the level of the back of your head.

2) Now rotate your upper body to one side. Your gaze should follow the hand as it moves backwards. Stretching spiral line

3) Now press into the ground with the toes of the foot on which side your hand is in front. You can pull on the band with your front hand and increase the tension on your back hand to get a little further into the rotation movement. You should feel a stretch in your hips and chest. Hold the position for a few seconds or 3 to 4 breaths. Spiral line stretching back pain

4) Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

DISCLAIMER: This content (the description, images and videos) does not constitute medical advice or treatment plan and is intended for general educational and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any health, medical or physical condition. This content cannot replace professional advice or a visit to a doctor. To be on the safe side, before using exercises to combat specific complaints, you should always consult a doctor or physiotherapist.

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