
The right warm-up for children's fitness training with resistance bands

In this article you can expect 2 warm-ups for fitness training for children, which are carried out with resistance bands. Both training plans are designed for whole-body warm-up and can be carried out before children's fitness training!
FLEXVIT: Athletic exercises in football with resistance bands Reading The right warm-up for children's fitness training with resistance bands 5 minutes Next Prevention of shoulder injuries

Proper warm-up is not only important for children's fitness training, but should be included as a general part of training for all age groups. Proper preparation of the muscles for the upcoming stress can significantly minimize the risk of injury and increase performance in training many times over, especially in athletic or strength training.

Content overview:

  1. Why is warming up before children's fitness training important?
  2. Training Plan #1 – Warm Up – Core!
  3. Training Plan #2 – Warm Up – Core!

warming-fleyvit-children The fitness training of children and young people requires intensive preparation and warming up.

Resistance Bands for Warming – Why?

Training bands are increasingly being installed for warm-ups and warm-ups - but why? The decisive advantage lies in the properties of band training. Resistance bands have a dynamic force progression. This means that the further I stretch the training band, the more strength I need.

This property is particularly important for warming up, because with resistance bands you can gradually get your muscles used to the increasing load. As you approach the end of the warm-up, with good preparation you can use the training band to bring your muscles and joints to their maximum strength level.

With our FLEXVIT Youth collection, we have optimized the properties of the resistance bands for children and young people. As described in our article previously (Fitness training for children - Functional training for children with FLEXVIT), fitness training already plays a major role for ambitious young athletes. The training bands can be used to carry out age-specific training, allowing young people and children to complete individual and challenging fitness training.

So that children's fitness training can be carried out optimally, we would like to introduce you to 2 effective training plans for warming up. Both training plans are designed for whole-body warm-up and can be carried out before children's fitness training!

Training plan #1 - The right warm-up for children's fitness training

The following training plan represents a 360° activation and warm-up before fitness training. The band training ensures that your muscles can systematically prepare for increasing strain.

For the warm-up we use the FLEXVIT MinY and the FLEXVIT MultY from our youth collection - adapted bands for training young athletes!

Note on the process: Do the three exercises one after the other without a break and repeat them for four rounds. The resistance of the band should be chosen so that you can just manage the last repetition of each exercise.

1. Ambidextrous Upper Body – Push


  • The hands are over the shoulders and are simultaneously pressed towards the “sky”.
  • Reps: 8


  • Explosively press upwards – slowly lower to the starting position (3 seconds)


  • Chest muscles

push flexvit band 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

2. Double leg squat


  • Feet are shoulder-width and parallel. After squatting, you are dynamically pushed off the floor into an upright position
  • Reps: 10


  • Explosively press out of the squat up to the starting position - slowly go down to the final position of the squat (3 seconds)


  • Leg muscles

squat-flexvit-miny 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

3. Arm stretch with fitness band


  • The forearms should be kept parallel in front of the body and from this position they should be raised straight towards the “sky”. The hands are pressed strongly outwards. The feet remain parallel on the floor.
  • Reps: 8


  • Perform the exercise evenly - the tension is maintained throughout the entire exercise period.


  • Arm and back muscles

warm-up children 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

Training plan #2 - The right warm-up for children's fitness training

The following training plan represents a 360° activation and warm-up before fitness training. The band training ensures that your muscles can systematically prepare for increasing strain.

For the warm-up we use the FLEXVIT MinY and the FLEXVIT MultY from our youth collection - adapted bands for training young athletes!

Note on the process: Do the three exercises one after the other without a break and repeat them for three rounds.

1. Support with hand change


  • The hands are under the shoulders. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and move into a support position with the resistance band. The back remains straight and the hands are alternately pulled to the chest.


  • 10x per page


  • Full body workout

holding position warming core 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

2. Side support on the knee with leg raises


  • The elbow is brought under the shoulder and the training band is fixed above the knees. The hips form a line with the upper body and thighs. The top leg is lifted upwards against the resistance.


  • 10x per page


  • Full body workout

side plank resistance band 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

3. Two-legged bridge on heels


  • Head, shoulders and arms are off. The knees and feet are positioned hip-width apart. The pelvis is lifted upwards so that the upper body and legs are in one line. The resistance band is kept taut.


  • 10


  • Full body workout

bridge-warming-children 1) Starting position 2) Final position in execution

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The right warm-up for children's fitness training with resistance bands

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