Yoga and strength training – with the yoga band from FLEXVIT
Do you want to start yoga or improve your yoga practice? Then try yoga with elastic bands from FLEXVIT. No matter whether it's stretching, balance or strength training - half forward bend, cobra o...

Fit in a wheelchair - Inclusive fitness training with FLEXVIT
Fit in a wheelchair not only means working with others to improve your own endurance, strength or mobility through inclusive training. No, there is much more behind it. Article written in cooperati...

Strain of the adductors in athletes
The adductor injury in athletes – we clarify! An adductor strain or injury is a common cause of pain. You can prevent these injuries with our fitness and resistance bands. But how can our bands hel...

The PATmat: For perfection in rehabilitation & training
The PATmat is a somewhat special training mat. It facilitates training or instruction that may be given by therapists, health professionals, or fitness trainers. The PATmat can be used for rehabil...

Golf athletic training - we'll show you how it's done!
Athletic training in golf - everyone who plays golf has certainly wondered at some point how he can get a yard or two more: We'll show you how it's done! With our new course for functional band tra...